Thursday, April 22, 2010

Can't sleep?

I haven't begun to add up the days I'm in a hotel every year, I think it would be a scary number. Lately I've been having a hard time falling asleep in hotel rooms. Besides the basic put in the earplugs and read a book adage, I'm open to trying any of the below mentioned ideas. Anyone have any feedback or tricks of the trade?

Valerian - You can buy this root extract at most Whole Foods locations or organic/naturopath stores and grocers. I sometimes drop a little into my water and drink it before I go to bed. It helps me to fall asleep and stay asleep, but maybe it is placebo? Not sure but so far I really like it. Here is the wikipedia link, some very interesting history...

Chip Clip - I've heard using this to secure your curtains will prevent that morning sun from peeking through. I don't think I'll be carrying Chip Clips in my carry on, but it's a good idea.

Sleeping Mask - These are used to block out light when sleeping and it is believed that one will reach a deeper level of sleep when wearing a mask. I don't own one, but love the romantic notions they conjure. I'm thinking Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's...classic!

However, they also remind me of something you wear when you are hitting a pinata or being kidnapped.  Here are some I think are cute...

(via Hip Undies)

(via Amazon)

White Noise - My friend's kids fall asleep every night to white noise and nothing seems to be able to wake them, not even loud music or drunk idiots. I think they might be on to something. Of course, Apple has a convenient app! The White Noise App by TMSOFT costs $1.99 and should be worth every penny.

Enough talking about what could help me sleep, I'm going to actually give it a try. From the Hotel Lucia in downtown Portland, OR....Goodnight.

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